Thursday, May 8, 2008

Question 5f

Describe how the Hanukkah celebration in Scene 5 is interrupted.  What does Peter do to make matters worse?  According to Dussel, how will this incident lead to their discovery by the police?

Hanukkah is interrupted by the presence of the thief.  The Franks and the Van Daans instinctively think that it is the police, however, later realize that it was just a thief.  Peter makes things worse by his cat, Mouschi.  Mouschi makes noises when he walks and Peter jumps at him to make him quiet, which makes the thief suspicious of things.  And according to Mr. Dussel, the Franks and Van Daans would get discovered because of the thief.  The thief would go to the gestapo and tell them that, if they let the thief go, he would tell them where some Jews are hiding.  This actually does happen i believe.  The thief was the one who betrayed them.  I'm not sure, but if i was the thief, i would have just kept my mouth shut.  I really don't know how people could trade in themselves for other people's lives.  

1 comment:

JamieK said...

good post~:) I wrote a similar post to yours..LOL
But now that I think about it,its not really Peter's fault for loving that cat as if it was a part of his family,, and also its not the cats fault that he moved around when it shouldnt of been!
Cats cant talk and we cant talk to them so ...yea :(
What Im trying to say is that Mr.Dussel shouldnt of blamed everything on Peter and maybe peter should really let go of Mouschi even though he doesnt want to,,for the family? haha
anyways good job<3